X-Country Skiing and Snowshoeing from Bondi Village (2007-01-26) Viewed 1035 times.
Photos by Brent, Sherri and Paul
Sherri and PaulSherri Looking out on frozen Lake of BaysTamarack Cottage, Bondi VillageSherriPaulPaul Drinking From Platypus with Frozen TubeAliceAlexPaulBig RockPaul Striking a PoseAlex in Front of Long IciclesPaulAlexPaul Running in SnowshoesPaul on Lake at Leslie Frost CentrePaul Probing Hole in IcePaulPaul Jumping Off Snow DriftSaturday Morning Snowshoeing GroupBondi BambisPaul and BambiAlex and BambiMomma BambiBaby BambiInside Tamarack CottagePaul and Alice Skiing in the SnowPaulPaul's WipeoutAliceBrentPlaying Dominos inside Longside CottageBrentePlaying CraniumMorning Light on Lake of BaysSherri Skiing Bondi TrailsJennifer and Jody Skiing Bondi TrailsBrent's WipeoutJennifer, Jody and SherriBondi Ski TrailsBrentBrentUp HillSheri Takes the Downhill TurnJennifer Makes the Downhill TurnJodyAliceLunch in Longside CottagePaul Sweeping The Floor and Brushing His TeethAlice and Paul
Photos by Paul and Alice
IciclesSnowshoeing at Leslie Frost CentreAlice and BrentAlexAlexBrent Taking PicturesAlice Taking PicturesBrent Taking Shot of IceBrent Taking Picture of AlexAliceBrent Licking IcicleIceIceIceBrentBrentBrentIceBrent Seen Through Ribbon of IceAlice SnowshoeingAlex Beside Large Uprooted TreeAlexPaul's Frozen GoatieDeer at BondiDeer at BondiRegistered Guests Only PleaseDeer at BondiDeer at BondiDeer at Bondi-20 or soAl Heading out for a SkiBillLorraineBirch Contrasted Against Blue SkyBrent SkiingJody SkiingLunch in Longside CottageBrentBrent and SherriTamarack Cottage, Bondi VillageFrozen TreesRagged Rapids FallsRagged Rapids FallsOxtongue River Above FallsAlice and Paul at Ragged Rapids FallsSunny Day Over Hwy 60
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