Herb Lake to Ronald Lake, Haliburton Highlands (2007-08-18) Viewed 2969 times.
Herb Lake to Ronald Lake
Herb Lake Put-InAlexRonald Lake (Aug 2007)Becky and KarenBecky and KarenChit Preparing for 1st Ever PortageChris and SusanPortagePortageChitIan and JodySherri at End of PortageBeckyKarenAlexIanChitBrentChit Carrying Food BarrelAlex and Jody RelaxingIan in the MudBrentBrent Giving a PushBecky and KarenBrentUp and Over a Beaver DamSherri Pushing Canoe Over a Beaver DamBecky Looking CoolExploring Nehemiah LakesChris and SusanNehemiah LakesAlex Recovering His Paddle from the Bottom OozePaddle RecoveredHappy PaddlersLeaving Nehemiah LakesChris and Susan Paddling in the Late Evening LightGroup DiscussionSusan and Karen Discussing LifeSherri Preparing to SternErnest LakeErnest LakeErnest to Herb NarrowsDelicious Finish to Great Weekend
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