Herb Lake to Gun Lake - Flatwater Canoe Trip (2007-10-06) Viewed 1092 times.
Herb Lake to Gun Lake
Herb Lake Put-InWayne, Karen and ChitLorraine and FionaWayne, Karen and ChitHerb Lake to Ernest Lake NarrowsStart of 170m PortageKatherineKaronneFionaGrahamEnd of 170m PortageLorraine and FionaEnd of 170m PortageWayneLorraineSherriWayne, Karen and ChitGroup 1 CampsiteJody and Kathleen Unloading FirewoodSawing FirewoodRosa and Alan Enjoying ApetizersHuman Tarp HoldersDarrylFireside DiscussionShelter From the RainWas that Brad PittHeating Up TurkeyThanksgiving Dinner - Just Like MomsPortage - North End of Gun LakeWet Clothes a Result of Canoe DumpGraham and JodyWayne, Karen and LorraineEnjoying the SceneryBeaver Dam - One of ManyBeaver DamBeaver DamGraham Manouvering to Get JodyFiona and Chit - Beaver Dam Lift-OverNegotiating Low Water LevelsNegotiating Low Water LevelsNegotiating Low Water LevelsNegotiating Low Water LevelsFall Colours Entering Raven LakeEntering Main Part of Raven LakeWayne, Karen and LorraineKatherine and KaronneJodyLunch Break on Gun LakeAlan and SophieArnie and CarolGrahamJodySherri and BrentAlan Returning With Canoe Loaded with FirewoodBrent Floating in the Cold WaterAfternoon Fireside ChatterChitArnieStudying a SalamanderRosa Checking the Porrk TenderloinsDarryl Checking the Pork TenderloinsAlan and Darryl Preparing the PorkGroup 2 CampsiteGroup 2 Preparing Monday BreakfastTentsTarpsCamp LifeArnie Cleaning UpHeading Home in the RainSherriBrentWayne and LorraineFiona, Chit and KarenSherri, Wayne and LorraineFiona and Brent
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