Chiniguchi - Marjorie Lake Loop via Wolf Lake (2011-08-12) Viewed 2077 times.
Chiniguchi Canoe Trip
Matagamasi LakeMatagamasi LakeFirst PortageParadise LagoonParadise LagoonParadise LagoonPardise LagoonSilvester LakeFrogSilvester LakeSilverster Lake into Wolf LakeSilverster Lake into Wolf LakeBernd and LamieSilverster Lake into Wolf LakeWolf Lake Camp SiteMorning SunriseSouth End of Wolf Lake in the MorningChipmunkArnie and Bruno Enjoying the ViewDavid and RuthPracticing a FerryPortage into Dewdney LakePortage into Chiniguchi LakeDavi and RuthBernd and LamieChiniguchi LakeChiniguchi LakeBrunoLamieChiniguchi LakeMerganser FamilySherri - McConnell BayArnie and Bruno - McConnell BayMcConnell Bay SiteShallow Waters of McConnell BayRuthCamp ChoresLeaving McConnell BayBerndLamieLeaving McConnell BayFirst Middle Loop PortageFirst Middle Loop PortageFirst Middle Loop PortageFirst Middle Loop PortageMiddle Loop PortageEnd of 75 m Portage048049050Marjorie LakeCollecting Blueberries - Marjorie LakeBlue Waters of Marjorie Lake054David and Lamie - Portage into Wolf LakeRuth enjoying a piece of paradise.Wolf LakeRelaxing on Wolf LakeMorning Full Moon, Beaver and LoonLamie and Bernd - Wolf LakeRuth and DavidLamie and BerndArnieBrentWind-assistance on Matagamasi Lake
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