Herb and Gun Lakes Flatwater Canoe Trip (2016-10-08) Viewed 1606 times.
Thanksgiving Weekend Canoe Trip - Photos submitted by Wayne
101_Herb Lake Sign105_Herb Lake Put-in121_After First Portage123_After First Portage125_After First Portage133_After First Portage-Dorothy135_After First Portage-DorothyMark141_Brandy Falls-After Second Portage143_Brandy Falls-After Second Portage147_After Second Portage-CarolArnie151_Gun Lake Campsite No. 71202_Gun Lake Campsite204_Gun Lake Campsite211_Gun Lake Campsite-Mark213_Gun Lake Campsite-Carol215_Gun Lake Campsite-Dorothy217_Gun Lake Campsite-Dorothy219_Gun Lake Campsite-MarkDorothy221_Gun Lake Campsite-Lamie223_Gun Lake Campsite-Lamie225_Gun Lake Campsite-Lamie227_Gun Lake Campsite-LamieBernd229_Gun Lake Campsite-Bernd233_Gun Lake Campsite-Pat241_Gun Lake Campsite-Preparing Breakfast245_Gun Lake Campsite-Breakfast247_Gun Lake Campsite-Breakfast-PatArnie251_Gun Lake Campsite-Mark303_Portage Trail to Plastic Lake312_Mushrooms314_Mushrooms316_Mushrooms321_Plastic Lake325_Long Pond327_Long Pond-Pat331_Raven Lake Inlet335_Raven Lake Inlet341_From Hill Above Raven Lake343_From Hill Above Raven Lake346_From Hill Above Raven Lake351_Gun Lake Campsite-BerndLamie353_Gun Lake Campsite-Lamie+355_Gun Lake Campsite-Bernd361_Campfire363_Campfire365_Campfire402_Cove Behind Campsite-Mist404_Gun Lake Campsite-Mist406_Gun Lake Campsite-Mist410_Gun Lake Campsite-Panorama
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